Big Thinking Corporate Social Responsibility: "From Success to Significance: Make a Difference in This World"

The “first responder” in NetHope’s Open Humanitarian Initiative is Gisli Olafsson. He explains NetHope’s role as “helping organizations do their job better through the effective use of technology.” Technology allows organizations to work more effectively together to

achieve economies of scale in disaster response efforts.

Does big thinking excite you… or does it scare you?

Thinking big usually means change. It might involve taking on a new partner who has skills and capabilities you don’t have. Thinking, and actually doing, big things involves “achieving a consensus, building partnerships, establishing a common vision and getting people to think outside of their own little box.”  People and organizations fear thinking and doing big things because they’re afraid of what they might lose, rather than what they could potentially accomplish. Thinking and doing big things is where growth occurs- for individuals, corporations, and organizations.

As the lead communications strategist for The Patterson Foundation, I know first hand how excited The Patterson Foundation is about their partnership with NetHope and the vision for the Open Humanitarian Initiative. It’s a big thing. It’s a huge, challenging project. It will require all of us to grow. We agree wholeheartedly with Gisli: “The bigger your vision, the more impact you can have on the world we live in.”

Is your vision a big thing? Do your corporate social responsibility plans seek to make more impact?  Would your firm benefit from growth through a partnership of collaboration and sharing?

It’s one thing to achieve success as an individual or as an organization. It’s a bigger thing to be significant and make a difference.



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